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A  reflection..

A learning experience from elementary school

I assume it was year 3, my teacher in elementary school was teaching the times table in Math class. The time tables were repeated daily at the start of the class. Repeating was boring, but that was the daily routine. He used to pause in the middle and the ask the next times table to the class. The child who answered was appreciated. This made us learn the tables by-heart so as we could gain some appreciation in front of the whole class..a big happiness in early days.

A learning experience from high school

I recall leaning about electromagnets in grade 9 or 10. Ms Williams was our physics teacher. She made a model of an electromagnet with an iron nail, copper coil and few batteries. The concept of electromagnets was learned as a part of the physics lesson on electricity and magnetism. She explained how electromagnets work through the model. We were made into smaller groups to understand the working of electromagnets. The teacher supervised the groups and engaged in discussions.

A learning experience at work

I am a content developer. I design learning content for US based curriculum. I learned the skill of designing cluster based on NGSS science curriculum. The learning was how to create a scenario, design a passage and how to design items around the passage. The learning also included how to map the depth of knowledge and blooms to vary the cognitive thinking and difficulty of items. I learned these information with reading documentation and interaction with clients and peers. The learning was through multiple sources of information and connecting to a network of people.

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